Monday, November 15, 2010

Deeply touched!!

I found this when I checked my e-mails. I'm at a loss for words but my heart is full.
Here's the e-mail that I received from Leeza Gibbons.
Thu, November 4, 2010 7:01:40 PM
your wonderful book

Leeza Gibbons  
Sierra LGE

Hi Emily,
I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for taking the time to send me your incredible book, Julita's Sands.  The fact that you have written this for (and dedicated it to) caregivers is beautiful.
Like you, I made a promise to my mom and it's great to see how powerful that is.

You are a wonderful writer and your book will no doubt offer hope and that celebratory spirit in which you authored it. 

Your Mom reminds me so much of mine....a candid, strong personality whose life story and legacy is making a difference

Thank you, thank you for the great inspiration, dedication and heart which you demonstrated in your fantastic book!

Ever forward,

Leeza Gibbons Enterprises
7257 Beverly Blvd. Suite 218
Los Angeles, CA  90036

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Emptying my Bucket List.

For many years I have wanted to go parasailing and I finally did it!  Mike and I spent the week in Key West and I coaxed him into going parasailing with me. The feeling is euphoric when you are up in the sky. If that's what birds experience up there, than I want to be a bird!

So, parasailing was one of the items on my bucket list and I can check it off now :-) I still need to go up in a hot air balloon and see the natural wonders. Oh, so much to see and do :-)