My new motto is Gift Care. Why? Because it appears that most people just don't give a hoot about anyone, but themselves!! Let me preface first. The baby boomer generation, those in their forties, fifties and sixties, were considered to be the most self-absorbed generation. Yes, they neglected saving money, the way their parents did, and instead, began to spend ferociously, to keep up with the Jones'. But, in the waning years, the baby boomers seem to have chilled out. They are realizing the error of their ways, and learning to save and give. But what about their children? This is the new me generation. In all fairness, it isn't their fault, they are just following in their parents' footsteps. Have you noticed the way the twenty and thirty year-olds have turned tech happy? Who has the latest, newfangled cellphones, flat screen TVs, computers, Ipods, Ipads, you name it? They do!!! That's seems to be all they care about. Ok, of course that isn't all they care about, but it sure is on the top of their list. Their priorities are screwed up.
What does this have to do with care? Care means to be responsible and have concern for others. I remember many years ago when parents saved money in order to leave a legacy for their children. Many people think Many people think that the government is going to help. Think again!! In the whole scheme of things, you are responsible for your parents. You owe it to them! In my experience as a caregiver, I saw and heard many things that made me sick. Be nice to your kids, they'll choose your nursing home, is not just a clever phrase, it is true. Even sadder, even moms and dads who treated their kids nicely get thrown away. Why? Of course there are extenuating circumstances, but, you know what I learned? Most children don't want to deal with it. They don't want to upset their lifestyle to care for an aging parent, especially if the parent has no money. Sad but true.
I encourage all people to gift care!! Those of you who are in your twenties and thirties, it is not too late! Watch what is happening around you. Experience life with your heart, not with your pocketbook and please, please, teach your children to gift care.
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