Saturday, August 14, 2010

My philosphy is laughter

Laughter truly is the best medicine! It seems so trite, but don't take my word for it, just do it!

If I learned anything during my years as a caregiver for my dementia-stricken mother, it was to laugh, laugh, and laugh some more. Humor is a very important component in my life and my relationships. As a matter of fact, I think it is what I cherish the most. Why? Because it feels good!! We are so quick to pop a pill when we have aches, pains, when we are depressed or stressed out. Laughter is better, quicker, and it doesn't cost a cent!

For years, scientists and physicians have researched the effects of laughter on our bodies and our brains. It has been noted that several beneficial things occur when we laugh.

Physical benefits:
1.) Laughter boosts our immune systems. The people who laugh a lot are less likely to get colds and flu.
2.) Laughter lowers stress hormones. When we dwell on bad situations our bodies release cortisol, a stress hormone. When we laugh, cortisol is reduced and endorphins are released. Endorphins are the bodies' natural painkillers and is known as the "feel good" hormones.
3.) Laughter helps decrease pain. Again, this is beacause laughter triggers the release of endorphins.
4.) Laughter relaxes your muscles. When you laugh, the muscles that don't participate in the belly laugh, relax. When you are finished all the muscles relax.
5.) Laughter can prevent heart disease. This is due to the increase in blood flow to the heart.
Mental Health Benefits:

1.) Laughter adds joy and zest to life!!!
2.) Laughter eases anxiety and fear!
3.) Laughter relieves stress!
4.) Laughter improves mood!
5.) Laughter enhances resilience!

Social Benefits:
1.) Laughter strengthens relationships!!
2.) Laughter attracts others to us!! Laughter is contagious!
3.) Laughter enhances teamwork.
4.) Laughterpromotes group bonding.

Now, can you see why laughter is so important to everyone, especially to those in stressful situations? If you are a caregiver, a family member confronting Alzheimers, or the caree, please do one thing whenever you feel yourself getting down. Laugh!!!

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